E-Score Musicians/Artists
Single E-Score Music Score:
A one-sheet PDF download with the most current data on the chosen musician including Awareness and Appeal scored across a variety of demographics, a full list of Attributes, and more.
About E-Score Music:
Evaluate the licensing and fandom/concert opportunities for 1000+ artists and bands.
Survey respondents
Each survey is administered to Persons 13+ with general representation across income, age, education and region for an ending sample of n=1,300. A total of n=650 respondents evaluate the artist based on name-only stimulus while the remaining n=650 evaluate based on image-only stimulus without name or prompt.
Music Measures for individual recording artist:
Awareness - based on name or image
Appeal - measured on a 6-point scale
Attributes - measured on 25 attributes
Engagement - purchased music & merchandise, online participation, concert attendance, etc.
Future Intent to Purchase Music
Extendibility of Artist - for concerts, television series, movies, designing clothing/accessories
Open End - asked for any additional thoughts/feelings about the recording artist
General Music Industry Consumption:
Frequency - through various platforms including MP3 Players, radio, online, video, DVD, mobile phones
Social Networks - membership and visiting for several social sites
Note: This data is available through MediaSync for all E-Score Music and E-Score Platform subscribers.