"Red" (The Red-haired Wendy's girl from commercials) (E-Score Character/Brand Mascot Kids) 07/15/15
Single E-Score Character Kids Score:
A one-sheet PDF download with the most current data on the chosen character/brand mascot including Awareness and Appeal scored across a variety of demographics, a full list of attributes, and more.
About E-Score Character Kids:
Evaluate the equity and media/merchandising opportunities for 6,000+ characters and brand mascots.
Survey respondents
Each survey is administered to kids 6 to 12 and their parents with general representation across income, age, education and geographic demographics for an ending sample of n=500. A total of n=250 respondents evaluate the character based on name-only stimulus while the remaining n=250 evaluate based on image-only stimulus without name or prompt.
Character Measures:
Awareness - based on name or image
Appeal - measured on a 6-point scale
Attributes - measured on 31 attributes
Appropriateness - for different age groups
Extendibility - for licensing to different product categories
Open End - asked for any additional thoughts/feelings about the character as well as likes and dislikes about the character
Note: This data is available through MediaSync for all E-Score Character Kids and E-Score Platform subscribers.